Friday, August 6, 2010

Re-covered pillow #3, Multi-Colored

I wanted to do a pillow that was more than just that tan/gold I've used (see my other pillows here and here. I do like that color, but it's nice to add a splash of something else too right? The same color can get boring if it doesn't have anything else with it! So I decided to add some red in a pillow. I've mentioned before how much I like red--it adds so much to a room even if it's just something small.
Sorry, this post doesn't have very many pictures. I didn't do very well with picture taking on this camera. It starts out just like my other two pillow cases though, you need an old, ugly pillow :) Most people have one of those right?! And if you don't, go to a thrift store and I'm sure you'll find one real soon :) haha

~Old, ugly pillow

This time I took two pieces of red fabric (the same fabric I used on my shower curtain shown here) and placed a white strip in the middle. I sewed the white onto the back sides of the red pieces and I decided to be a little bold and use some dark tan thread on the red fabric! I like it a lot!! There are two reasons I did this: 1-I'm feeling more confident in my sewing abilities and have always liked the look of thread that's a different color than the fabric, 2-I didn't have any thread that matched my red fabric. Haha :) Creativity comes out of necessity right?

Well, next I cut out two strips of a gold fabric I have, different that I used on my other pillow cases but same basic color. I cut them out zig-zaggy to add a little s.t.y.l.e. to my pillow. I tried adding little bows on too, to bring in more of the gold color, but it looked too kid-ish so I took those off.

Anyway, sorry for the lack of pictures throughout the process, but here's the final product. What do you think?

Total Cost:
~Old, ugly pillow: $0.00
~Fabric: $0.00

Re-covered Pillow #3: Multi-Colored, Total Cost ~ $0.00!

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