fake grass
old plastic container
bamboo place-mats
bamboo blinds
soap dispenser
river stones
Chinese fan
Chinese hair comb
I still had tons of grass from the vases (click here to see that project), a plastic container, some ribbon and some Chinese decorations. I bought some bamboo blinds at a garage sale with my sister this past summer. I had no idea what I was going to do with them but they were only $1 :) So I bought them! I also had a bamboo place-mat set with some chopsticks. I wrapped an old brown ribbon around my plastic container and stuck it in place with some hot glue.
I wanted to stick the fake grass inside the plastic but the grass was very heavy and the plastic wasn't very sturdy. I tried stuffing the plastic with bags, paper, etc, but nothing was strong enough to keep the grass up. So I caved in and went and bought something. I went to Hobby Lobby (I wish they had some sort of frequent-shopper card! I would totally qualify!!) and bought some river stones for $1.38 (half off!). I put those inside the plastic and LOVED how they looked! And they were strong enough to hold up the grass...perfect! I folded the place-mat and set it on top of the toilet. I then placed some chopsticks and the grass on top. It was coming together so wonderfully! I had a Chinese fan and hair comb from my friend who went to China a few years ago. I added those in as well! I took the strings off the bamboo blinds and hung them up on the wall next to the toilet. I used some of the extra bamboo from the blinds and wrapped it around my soap dispenser! It was a very nice touch if I may say so myself :)
Total Cost:
Fake grass: $0.00 (leftover from my Vases project)
Old plastic container: $0.00
Ribbon: $0.00
Bamboo place-mats: $0.00 (part of a set I had lying around)
Chopsticks: $0.00 (came with the place-mats)
Fan: $0.00
Hair comb: $0.00
Bamboo blinds: $1.00
Soap dispenser: $0.00
River stones: $1.38
Fake grass: $0.00 (leftover from my Vases project)
Old plastic container: $0.00
Ribbon: $0.00
Bamboo place-mats: $0.00 (part of a set I had lying around)
Chopsticks: $0.00 (came with the place-mats)
Fan: $0.00
Hair comb: $0.00
Bamboo blinds: $1.00
Soap dispenser: $0.00
River stones: $1.38
Bathroom Makeover: Total Cost ~ $2.38
Rachel--when did you do this?? I love it!! You are so creative--where did I get such creative daughters? I remember when you bought the bamboo blinds I wasn't sure what you would do with them--it's amazing!
Love you
SO CUTE! I would have paid probably $50 for all that at Bed, Bath & Beyond (If I had $50...) :)
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