Thursday, October 6, 2011

Potpourri in a Vase

I got some beautiful potpourri in a gift bag a couple years ago and love how it looks so I've saved it. I had it just in a pretty glass I have but decided to change it up a little.

~ potpourri
~ candles
~ vase
~ toothpicks
~ SWIMMING NOODLE -- yep, that's right. A swimming noodle :)

I wanted to fill a small square vase I had with the potpourri and candles but it didn't fill it up very much. So to add some filler space I cut up a swimming noodle. I was worried that the pieces of the noodle would get moved around once the potpourri got poured in so I stuck the pieces together with toothpicks.

This way they held together real well.

I also stuck toothpicks through the candles where the wick used to be and then stuck them into the tops of the noodle pieces. I poured in the potpourri and I was done :)

Total Cost:
~ potpourri: $0.00
~ candles: $0.00
~ vase: $0.00
~ toothpicks: $0.00
~ swimming noodle: $0.00

Potpourri in a Vase: Total Cost ~ $0.00

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