~ Stickers (glitter stickers of course!)
~Glitter glue
~Elmer's glue
~ Ribbon
~ Paper stars
~ Dowels
~ (and tape)
You could of course use different materials if you want
Here's a picture of one all done and just drying off. The glitter glue needed some time to dry. These 3 year olds were pretty good!
Another one...
Here's a finished wand :) I didn't take a picture of the putting together process but it's pretty simple. Tape the ribbons to the back side of one of the stars. Then glue the dowel right in the center of the back and then glue the other star right on top. Make sure it's completely dry before you let your little girl play with it.
Total cost:
~Stickers (glitter stickers of course!) $2.00
~Glitter glue: $2.00
~Elmer's glue: $0.00 --use what you have
~ Ribbon: $1.00
~ Paper stars: $1.00 (probably less. Or even better--use some construction paper you already have!)
~ Dowels: $1.00 (?? I've never bought these but I imagine they're not much more than that)
~ (and tape) $0.00
Princess Party Wands: Total Cost ~ $7.00
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