Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas candle decoration

So I actually made this about a month ago, and I know it's past Christmas, but I thought I'd post it anyway :)

~old Currant Juice bottle (sparkling cider or champagne would work too)
~dryer sheets (crazy sounding, but it totally works!)
~glitter spray paint
~ribbon (left-over ribbon from another project)
~fake cranberries

So I had this old currant juice bottle that I wanted to use somehow but I didn't know what to do with it. So I kept it in my bedroom for about 2 months until I came up with this idea. I went and bought a branch of fake cranberries (you know those cranberry Christmas decorations?) at the craft store for something like $4.00, a candle for 25 cents, and a can of glitter spray paint for $3.00. I knew I wanted to put the cranberries inside with something that looked like snow so I was looking around for ideas of what I could use when I saw an old dryer sheet in my garbage! I grabbed it, scrunched it up and put it inside the bottle and it totally worked! So I cut stems off the cranberry branch, glitter sprayed the dryer sheets and the candle. The candle was a tiny bit too small so I wrapped a rubber band around it so it would stay in place. Then I tied the ribbon around it :)

Here are the pictures of the progress and the beautiful end result!

Christmas Candle Decoration ~ Total cost: $7.25


Dorothy said...

Cute idea, Rach! You are a pretty creative lady to think of using dryer sheets!

Rachel said...

You know how jealous I am of this! It's soo caaute. PS...this is Heidi, not rachel commenting on her own blog about how jealous she is haha.

Unknown said...

Rach, you are wonderful and amazing. I love you.

Heather said...

Rachel this is way cute! I am excited to see all of your ideas! I might steal some for my own apartment!

mason and ashley schmutz said...

of course you can!!!!! it's good to hear from you! Hope all is well.